Thursday 20 November 2014

Proverbs 31:13. An Industrious woman

    King James Version (KJV)

    She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
    A virtous woman is never lazy, she always find one thing or the other to do. This is to tell us that gone are those days when women will sit at home while their husbands are busy working to fend for the family. it's a pity that some are still living in such world.
    God made Eve for Adam to support him, we can see that our God is perfect! He already knew from the beginning that the task is great, therefore , in order to help the man, He made the woman.
    A woman that is not providing help for her husband is not virtous. She might have other goodly character but still has not met God's standard.
    The Bible makes it clear that she SEEKETH wool and flax....... this is to tell us that as a woman, you will have to search out what you need to do. Not that you will stay on a spot and still expecting a miracle to happen.
    A virtous woman need to work and not working forcefully but willingly.
    While working, as a woman we need to put on a smiling faces so that we do not appear to people as if we are being suffered by our husbands.

    This is a  call to every woman to be virtous by being hardworking and not lazy. 

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